Exporting vendor responses

There maybe be times when the vendor needs to work on a document offline, it could be the vendor is onsite and does not have a internet connection or they have a slow internet connection in the current location.
Providing that the project manager has made the documents exportable iSpec allows the vendor to export certain documents to excel format, complete all the items and then import back into iSpec.
You can export the vendor response from the project overview page or from within the document.
Exporting vendor responses for for offline completion
Option 1 Export vendor responses from the tender overview page
To export the document from the tender overview page, expand the documents section and click Export documents.
This will expand the documents section more and list all of the documents in the tender
The documents will be listed with an icon indicating the formats that can be downloaded,  MSWord or MSExcel formats.
If you want to export a single document then click the relevant icon next to document you wish to export, this will automatically export the document
If you want to export multiple documents then select the check box next to each document and click the link Export selected documents this will create a zip file and export all documents into 1 zip file.
A progress bar will show you when iSpec has exported the document and your browser will initiate the download.
Option 2 Export vendor responses from within a document
If you want to download the document you are working on you can do so from within the document by clicking the Export to excel link this will export the current document to excel.
You can select other documents in your tender from the drop down list, when the document is opened click the Export to excel link again.
Once the document is exported open the document and complete all of the items.
The document cells are color coded so the vendor can easily recognize what needs to be completed, what is optional and what isn't editable
Items in white -  Non editable and do not need to be completed
Items in blue -  Vendor response text items and optionally need to be completed
Items in yellow - Priced items that need to be completed
Once the document is completed import or email the document back into iSpec
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