Variable manager

Setting variables in your document lets you quickly and easily edit text that needs to be changed each time a document is used.
For example, you may have documents that need Dates, Company names or Addresses inserting.
The variables will usually be set in the template but can be added to a document.
To add a new variable highlight the text in a section and click the Variable manager icon
You have the option to create a new variable or select an existing one. Once you have made your decision, simply click the save button.
The variable will be saved and {} characters will be added to show it is a variable.
After the variable has been saved it can be selected from the Variable manager drop down list for use in the future.
Enter the text and click the button. All the variables in the document will be updated.
When you insert a variable into your document, you will notice a variable counter displayed next to its name. This counter keeps track of how many times the variable has been used throughout the document.
If you click on the variable counter, a convenient feature is triggered. It will highlight all the words in the document where the variable has been utilized. This allows you to easily identify and locate the instances where the variable has been applied.
System variables
By default, there are preset system variables that you can use in your document. These variables have predefined meanings and values that are automatically populated based on the document's attributes. Here are the system variables:
Document Name: Represents the name or title of the document.
Approved Date: Refers to the date when the document was approved.
Revision Number: Indicates the revision number or version of the document.
Date Created: Represents the date when the document was initially created.
Original Author: Refers to the person who originally authored the document.
Last Edited: Indicates the most recent date when the document was edited.
Custom document parameters
When you add a custom parameter to your document, it is important to enter the value for each mandatory parameter associated with it in the document properties. By doing so, the custom parameter will be recognized and displayed as a system variable within the document.
Once you have entered the values for the mandatory parameters of the custom parameter in the document properties, the custom parameter will be transformed into a system variable. This means that it can now be accessed and used throughout the document.
All of the variables need to be entered before the document can be locked.
Note: The variable can only be changed in the document not in the template.
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