Creating an approval routing

The Approval routing process lets document creators assign users to approve documents after they have been created.
To create a new Approval routing process click the 
First select the correct routing from the list.
After selecting the Routing process the next thing to do is to set the parameters.
First, if the Financial approval option was set a  Financial value will need to be entered, setting a value will determine which users are available for selection as approvers
Next, select if the Approval routingl is urgent or not. If set to urgent each user will receive an email when its their turn to approve the document.
Depending on which approval is selected a Routing diagram will show which Approval functions are linked to the Routing approval and need to be approved.
After the Approval routing has been created a version of the document will automatically be saved.
A Version name is automatically generated but this can be changed to suit.
Finally, enter an optional comment.
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