
Set the application settings as set out below.
Password reuse
Set the number of unique passwords used before the previous ones can be reused.
Password reset
Specify whether the user must change the password after a password reset
Password expiry
Set amount of days the current days before the current password expires.
Password security strength
Set the security strength of passwords.
Recent documents
Set the number of recent documents to show in the Recent document folder and Continue where left off list.
Days to notify before document expiring
Set the notification days to show in the dashboard before the document expiry date.
Allow import with formatting
If turned on when importing a document an option to Import with formatting will show.
If turned off it will be hidden.
Idle session timeout
Set the time in minutes before the system automatically logs you out when idle.
Show breadcrumbs
Turn on or off system navigation breadcrumbs.
Default user
Set a default user to be used on new records where the current user or administrator cannot.
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