
Folders can be added to the documents tree so it's easier to manage user templates and folders.
Folders are created under their respective template or documents folders only they cannot be mixed.
Only templates can be stored in template folders and the same for documents.
To add a new folder, click the 3 dot menu next to the ALL documents or ALL templates folder name.
When the folder has been created use the 3 dot menu to add a sub folder, create a new document, edit folder name or delete the folder.
Note:  When creating a new template or document from the folder menu it will reside in that folder as well as the default folder.
To add a document to a folder, highlight the document from the default folder and drag it into the new folder.
The document will then be moved, and the folder will be shown in the folder list.
Documents can moved around the  All documents or All templates containers.
Right click the folder and select Move UP/Down, or drag the folder to a different position.
Note Documents cannot be stored in the templates folder and vice versa, if a user tries a notification error will show.
To remove the document from the folder you can either drag the document back to the default folder (or to any other or folder) or delete the folder.
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