Adding External Users

The main way to add new external users is to add them from the User manager however users can also be added from the dashboard by clicking a document name and adding them from the overview panel or from the Manage users icon within a document.

For more information see the

Manage users


You can either add a new vendor to a new company or you can add a new vendor to an existing company
To add a new External user, we first need to add the company.
Click the Add button
Enter the company information and click Save.
After you have saved the company information expand the user section and click the Add button.
When the company has been created expand the Users section and click the Add button.
The user properties page appears, enter the user details.
All fields with an Asterisk (*) need to be completed before the user can be created.
When the user properties are saved, they will receive an email with login details.
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