Document access rights

There are various role rights that can be setup. First, document access needs to be managed.
Select a role and then click on the setting icon to setup permissions for this document type.
Document type permissions
If this permission is turned on, a user would be able to see documents of this type in the dashboard folder lists.
Edit (Internal User only)
If this permission is switched on the user has unrestricted editing in the document sections which also overrides sections set as un-editable.
Restricted editing (Internal user only)
If this permission is turned on the user can only edit sections that are editable and mandatory.
Users won't be able to add new headings or sections.
If this permission is turned on the user can approve document changes.
Delete (Internal user only)
The delete permission controls the deletion of documents from the project list
Receive comments
If this permission is set the user can receive comments sent
Send comments
If this permission is set the user can send comments
Action comments
If this permission is set the user can click the Read checkbox in the comments history on that document type.
If it is not set the checkbox will be disabled.
Assign this role to the user who creates a project.
If this permission is set the document creator will be automatically be assigned that role when the document is created.
You can only assign the role to either a template or document not both.
Template document type permissions
If this permission is turned on, a user can see documents of this type in the dashboard folder lists.
Receive comments
If this permission is set the user can receive comments sent
Send comments
If this permission is set the user can send comments
Action comments
If this permission is set the user can click the Read checkbox in the comments history on that document type.
If it is not set the checkbox will be disabled.
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