Copying templates

Copying a template and then modifying the new copy is a good way to keep master documents updated.
After copying a template, template editors can update sections in the original and the copied version will also be updated.
Sections can also be updated and saved for that version only.
To copy a template click the Copy menu option in the Dashboard template list.
Confirm to copy the template
Now there are two copies of the same template, any sections that are edited the user will need to select to  or 
If the template editor wants to update the section in BOTH templates they will need to click the  button.
If the template editor wants to apply the changes ONLY to the current template they will need to select .
A new copy of the section will then be stored in the Section library.
Any headings that are deleted from one template will not be deleted from the copied version.
The window will show which templates are using the section that is being updated.
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