
The dashboard is the hub of the iSpecDMS system which lists ALL documents each user can access.
When the user logs into iSpecDMS the default dashboard screen will show.
The dashboard is split into 3 sections, Documents panel, Document list and Overview panel.
Both the documents and overview panels can be closed by clicking the X icon to provide more screen for the documents list.
Documents panel
The documents panel is a tree structure that stores ALL the documents the user has access to
The tree is split in the following default folders:
  • Recent document - List the recent documents the user last accessed. The list size is set in the system settings.
  • Favourites - Lists templates or documents the user has added as a favourite
  • My documents - Lists All the documents the user has access to.
  • Search - Universal search for documents.
Documents list
List all the documents the user has access to.
The document phases are as follows:
  • Editing phase - The document is still being edited both internally and externally
  • Locked phase - The document has been locked and cannot be edited further.
     The user can download a copy of the document before it is signed
  • Agreed phase - The external user agrees with the locked document
  • Signed phase - The document is manually or digitally signed and can be downloaded by internal and external users.
Overview panel
The overview panel gives an overview of each document in the list. Highlight the document and the overview panel will populate.
The overview panel shows the following information:
  • Type of document - Type of document is either a template or a document.
  • Owner - The owner of the document.
  • Modified - Last date/time the document was modified.
  • Created - The document creation date.
  • Tags - Any tags that have been added.
  • Description - Description of the template or document.
  • Activities - Most recent or ALL activities
  • User access - List of Internal users with access to the document, also allows you to add/create user access
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