Actionable items (Pokes)

Users can assign actions (pokes) to specific users which will then show as actions in a dedicated folder in the users dashboard and also at the top of the document content.
To add a poke click the icon at the top right of the screen.
All of the users who have access to the document will be listed.
Note :  In a template poke actions can only be assigned to internal users.
Click the icon and type in a new action. When the action has been added it will be added to the users personal list and can be used in future.
If you want the user to immediately see the action click the icon to send an email notification
Next time the user logs into the system the Items to action folder will have a counter and list the documents that need action. A icon will also show next to the document name.
Note: The counter will only show 1 action per document regardless how many actions have been set on each document.
All actions will show at the top of the document and will stay until  manually deleted. When all actions are deleted the document will be removed from the Items to action folder.
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