Editing documents

The document overview screen is split into 3 sections:
Outline tree
The outline shows each heading/sub heading in a tree structure. When a section is editable the section will show a  and icon
Click in any section to edit the section.
When a section has been edited it does not need to be saved as the system will auto save any changes made.
When the external user edits the section, the heading icon will change to a red pencil to indicate that the heading/sections need to be approved by an internal user.
Content section
The content section shows the whole document split into sections.
Click on the heading in the outline tree to go to the section content.
Only internal users can add new headings and sections, external users can only edit section content.
The sections will be set as editable or non-editable depending on how the document creator configures the section.
If the section can be edited it will have an editable icon. If the section is non-editable it will have a locked icon
Editing a section
When the user has edited a section the icon in the outline tree will show a red pencil .
Each section will also have a Discard icon and a Submit icon . The user can choose to discard the changes or submit the section for approval.
If multiple sections have been edited, you can Batch submit or Batch discard all the edits..
After the sections have been submitted for approval the icons will change to an approval icon
When the internal users logs in they will see the document that needs to be approved.
The internal user can choose to accept the users edits in which case ALL icons in the section will disappear  or reject them,
If the internal user rejects them an icon will show.
If a comment has been added the user can hover over the icon to see the comment.
When all sections have been accepted the document can be locked, ready for agree and signing.
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