Adding content with Approval permission

After the document has been created the document overview screen will show.
Depending on if the document was blank or imported will show content or not.
To start adding new content click the Add Sub-heading context menu option or click the Start here button
After you have added your first heading either by using the Outline tree or using the Start here button the Start here button will disappear and the Add a new section icon  will show.
Click the Add new section icon and add a section and content.
After content has been added the system will automatically save the data. You can undo this at any time by clicking the Undo icon.
The icon will then change to a red pencil this is to indicate the sections need approving.
Repeat the steps until your document is completed. When the document is complete it can be approved so it's ready for locking.
Note: If the user does NOT have a role with Approve permission the Approve icon or Approve all your changes button will not show.
You can approve in 2 ways:
  • Approve individual headings/sections - Click the Approve icon to approve the section, any changes made after will need to be approved again.
  • Approve all your changes - Click the Approve all your changes button to batch approve all the headings/sections in the document.
When all sections have been approved the editing icon in the outline tree and content panel will disappear.
The document is now ready to be locked, reviewed and signed.
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