Section settings

The Section settings tab has settings which are applied to each section.
Depending on if you have document numbering turned on or not is which settings you see.
Document numbering turned off
If the document numbering is turned off the only setting is to Hide heading name.
By default, the heading name is shown in the content panel
Check the Hide heading checkbox
The heading name in the section will now be hidden.
Uncheck the checkbox to unhide.
Document numbering turned on
If the document numbering is turned on, additional section settings are available.
When the document numbering is turned on, ALL the headings and subheadings are numbered in the outline tree and the content panel.
You can also optional choose to turn on Continue numbering on sections options also. This will continue numbering on the sections as well as headings.
Although the document default numbering is turned on these settings can be overridden in the section settings.
Show number only
Turn this option on will show only the heading number (Not name) in the outline tree and content panel.
Do not show number
Turn this option on will show only the heading name in the outline tree and content panel.
Section numbering
The section numbering applies to the numbering on the sections but will follow whatever is set at heading level.
For example, if the heading or sub heading numbering is turned off the sections will not be numbered.
Document default
This option follows the default numbering configuration (turned off or on) in the document settings.
Continue heading numbering
This option can turn ON numbering for the section if section numbering is turned OFF in the document settings.
Do not number
This option can turn OFF numbering for the section if the section numbering is turned ON in the document settings.
Apply to all heading settings
Apply the section numbering setting to ALL heading section.
Section properties
The section properties show various properties related to each section as follows:
Changes the section name
Set the review interval for the section
Change the owner of the section
See the status of the section either Under construction or Available
Choose if the section is editable or not in the document
English content properties
The English content properties shows various properties related to each section as follows:
Change the name of the English content section name.
Change the section owner
See the status of the section either Under construction or Available
Where used
Lists which templates are using the sections.
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