Document creation options

While creating a new document iSpecDMS has 5 different ways to create them.
Creating a blank document
If selecting Create a blank document the system will create a completely blank document with no headings, sections or content.
Creating a document from template
If selecting Create document from a template the system will create a document from an available template.
The template must be published otherwise it will not be available to select during document creation.
Import document for online editing
If selecting Import document for online editing, you will need to provide a MSWord (docx) document that is formatted to ISpecDMS specifications.
After the document is imported ALL the headings, sections and content will automatically be populated and providing there is no more editing the document will be approved and ready to publish.
Upload spreadsheet for online editing
If selecting Upload spreadsheet for online editing you will need to provide a XLSX  spreadsheet.
After the spreadsheet has been imported it can be viewed or edited directly in the document, only limited editing functions will be available in iSpecDMS compared to MS Excel and not all spreadsheet features will be imported.
Spreadsheet editing
While editing a spreadsheet it will be locked and read only to any other users that are viewing the spreadsheet until the editor has saved the changes.
While initially editing the spreadsheet a reminder will appear to save the changes after editing is complete.
If the editor forgets to edit the changes or the page is accidentally refreshed the system auto saves the current edits and the current editor has the option to recover or discard the current changes.
If the editor forgets to save the changes the spreadsheet will become editable for other users after 1 hour.
Upload read-only document
If selecting Upload read only document certain file formats can be uploaded and viewed in a document. Current supported file formats are PDF, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG. TIFF and MP4.
These files will be read only and cannot be edited.
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