The All templates folder is the default folder for ALL templates that the user has permission to access It is also the default folder for newly created templates.
Templates and split into Under construction and Available. When a template status is Under construction it cannot be used to create a document.
When the template is completed and approved it can be published and status changed to Available where it can be used for document creation.
The template list shows
·     Delete template - If the user has permissions the user can delete the template
·     Copy template - If the user has permission the user can copy the template
·     Template name - Click the link to open the template
·     Unread comments - If the template has a minimum of 1 unread comment the icon will show.  When All comments have been read the icon will disappear.
·     Alert icon - Template with an alert icon still need to be approved.
·     Folder column - Lists the folder the template resides in. If the column is blank the template resides is in the default ALL templates folder.
·     Tags column - Lists any tags that have been applied to the template.
·     Department column - Lists the department used during template creation.
·     Document type column - Lists the type of document type used.
·     Last action column - List the last date/time any changes were made to the template.
You can change the document list layout by adding or removing columns to show. To save the layout click the Screen icon  next to the column selector.
Click the Reset icon  to reset the list back to the default view.
All lists can be exported to excel by clicking the Excel icon.
Overview panel
The overview panel gives an overview of each template in the list. Highlight the template and the overview panel will populate.
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