Internal notes

Internal notes are like comments but can only be linked to a heading/section that has content.
Where comments cannot be edited notes can be edited and saved.
Who can read the notes is controlled by roles. By default, all roles can read any note.
Notes can also be archived so they are out of sight and restored when needed.
To add a note, click the Add a note link.
Enter the text and click Save, a date/time stamp will show when the note was added.
After the note has been saved a note icon will appear next to the heading in tree and in the content panel.
  The Initials icon will give you the initials of the person who created the note.
 If you mouse over the initials the system will show the full name and a date/time stamp.
The Role icon displays all the roles in the system. Selecting or deselecting a role controls who can read the note.
Send notes is a permission set in the user roles permissions.
 If there is any note history clicking on the Eye icon will show ALL edits of the note.
Clicking the Archive icon will archive the note so it is hidden from current view.
The icon will change to . Clicking the black icon will restore the note.
The dashboard overview panel will also show the notes in the Recent activities and the initials of the sender.
If you hover over the initials the system will tell you the sender with a date/time stamp.
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