
Inspect uses role based system to control who has access to inspection categories, templates and assets.
In order for the user to see the inspection categories on the dashboard and make sure they are available for selection they must have a role with the appropriate permissions on both the inspection item and the asset.
Only the assets that the user has a role will show in the dashboard.
Note: Only the internal user has roles access control. When the internal user logs in the Role tab is not shown.
If the user doesn't have a role on any projects the assets and inspection category list will be empty.
To add a role open up the inspection category or asset overview page and navigate to the roles tab.
You can Add new user roles or edit existing roles.
Select any user from the User list and click the right arrorw to add them to the Assigned Users list or the left arrow to remove them.
The users will automatically be assigned that role on the inspection category or asset.
You can also use the advanced role manage and select a user from your own or other business units.
Choose the user from the user list.
The role manager will show and lists all the available approvals.
The default role for is Template editor for inspection categories and Inspection manager for assets.
The user will be added and show in the role manager list.
You can also view historical roles by clicking the View History link.
Once the user has role the inspection categories, templates and documents will be available for selection.
Copyright Remy InfoSource Pte Ltd 2020