Managing Inspections

Once you have created your inspection it's time to start the inspection.
Many of the drop-down selectors show icons to indicate the status of the items in the list.
Their meanings are as follows:
If you don't have sufficient time to complete the inspection in one session, you may continue it at a later date. However, try and perform the mandatory items (red triangular icon) first if that case.
Select a component from the dropdown list. All the components will show an alert icon next to the name to show you the incomplete and complete ones.
Read the component general instructions.
If any pictures, drawings or any other attachments are included they will be visible.
For each inspection component, there can be multiple user definable parameters for checking which include:
  • Radio buttons (e.g. pass, fail etc.)
  • Checkboxes (e.g. left, right, up, down)
  • Data entry
  • Attachments (pictures or files)
  • Yes/No Responses
  • Number entry (e.g.moves, speed)
Mandatory Items
If any parameter in each heading has been marked as mandatory then a red triangular alert will be next to the heading and parameter.
If the mandatory item passes the inspection then this will change to a green check and the item itself will also have a green border.
 If the item does not pass the inspection then this will be marked with a red alert icon andtThe item itself will also have a red border.
If the entry failed the inspection the system will mark the parameter with a red alert.
If the item has failed you may be required to add a comment or upload an image explaining why the item failed.
If this happens the system will warn you and you will not be able to continue the inspection until this information has been provided.
Non-Mandatory Items
If an items is not mandatory the heading/parameter will have an just an orange exclamation mark next to the heading or parameter.
If a non mandatory item passes the inspection the heading/parameter will have a green check mark.
The item itself will also have a green border.
If a Non-mandatory item fails the inspection the heading and parameter will have a red alert icon.
The item itself will also have a green border.
Once the inspection has been completed the system will calculate how many components passed, failed or incomplete.
The system will create a graph indicating which items passed, failed or were incomplete.
You can click the name to add or remove that filter from the graph.
Click the relevant filter link to list each item that passed, failed or was incomplete. You can click the component name to review.
The dashboard will show inspections that need a Follow-up, are Incomplete or are Done.
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