Parameter Types

When creating a parameter you can select from 5 different parameter types
The parameters will have different criteria fields depending on the type but will also have common fields as follows:
Attachment - Allows the user to attach and image or a document.
Mandatory field - Make the parameter mandatory or non-mandatory
Attach photos if failed - Forces the user to upload an attachment if the inspection per parameter.
Enter comment if failed - Forces the user to enter a comment if the inspection fails per parameter.
If used then the user must enter a numeric value. You can set an upper and lower limit with the inspection must fall in to be classed as a passed inspection.
If used then the user must enter a date, you can also refine the dates that the user must fall under to be classed as a pass.
If used the vendor must enter a text response.
If used the vendor must say Yes or No
Multiple select
Set multiple choice answers and set the minimum result to be classed as a pass.
Radio button
Create a radio button for users to select
Asks the user to upload an attachment.
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