Messaging System

The iNspect messaging system allows you to send messages to other iNspect users.
To send a message from a mobile touch the mail icon on any component from a new, incomplete or completed inspection.
Select a distribution list or reciever,
Add CC/BCC if necessary.
Upload any attachments and touch Post message.
The message will be sent to everybody in the list and stored in history.
When the user next logs in to iNspect they can immediately see from the dashboard that they have a new message.
When the message has been opened they can either directly reply, mark as read or go to the item.
If the message is marked as read a date/timr stamp will be added to the message.
They can also see directly from the parameter itself during inspection as the envelopes are colour coded as follows:
If the envelope is orange this indicates there have been NO messages read or unread linked to this parameter.
If the envelope is red this indicates there are unread messages linked to this parameter.
If the envelope is green this indicates there are read messages linked to this parameter.
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