
Once you have logged in to iNspect you will be redirected to the dashboard,
The dashboard is split into 5 seperate sections
  • iNspections
  • Assets
  • Templates
  • Unread Emails
  • Analysis/Reports
Use the main menu to navigate through iNspect system. Update your profile, view help information, access templates or configure the system using the various administration settings.
For more information please see the Administration settings page.
On the iNspections panel you can Add new iNspections or view All, Incomplete or Done iNspections.
For more information please see the Creating an inspection page.
The Asset panel will list all assets and the last inspected date, only assets the logged in user has a current role will be listed.
Click the settings icon to go to the overview screen or click the asset name to view all items contained in the Asset.
If an asset has any outstanding inspections an alert icon will show next to the last inspected date.
For more information please see the Assets page.
Add a new template or quickly see how many Ready or Under construction templates are in the inspection category.
Click either link to go to the appropriate lists.
For more information please see the Inspection category page.
Unread Emails
View New, Recent or Overdue emails and reply directly from the dashboard.
For more information please see the Messaging System page.
Create Custom reports to analyze iNspect data.
For more information please see the Analysis/Reports page.
The vendors are not allowed to create new Assets this can only be done by the internal user.
The Add link will be greyed out.
Copyright Remy InfoSource Pte Ltd 2020