
Once you have logged in you will be redirected to the iNspect dashboard.
You can navigate through all of iNspect directly from the dashboard.
The mobile dashboard is split into 3 separate sections
  • iNspections - these are the individual inspection documents containing a full inspection (i.e. Quarterly inspection (05 May 2017) or Annual inspection (28 October 2016))
  • Assets - these are the items/locations being inspected (i.e. Quay Crane 17 or Admin Building A or Parking lot)
  • Unread Emails - all unread correspondence within the system relating to inspections
Update your profile, view help information and Logout from iNspect
From the inspection dashboard users can Create new iNspections or view Incomplete and Completed inspections.
Click the ALL link to list all inspections include Incomplete and completed. All incomplete inspections will be highlighted red.
Incomplete link will show only Incomplete inspections which will all be highlighted red.
Done inspections are inspections that are completed they can still be reviewed and edited if necessary.
For more information please see the iNspections page.
Unread Emails
Gives a counter for Overdue, Recent and New emails.
For more information please see the Messaging system page.
The Asset panel will list all assets and the last inspected date, only assets the logged in user has a role will be listed.
Click the settings icon to go to the overview screen or click the asset name to view all inspections saved in the Asset.
If an asset has any outstanding inspections an alert icon will show next to the last inspected date.
For more information please see the Assets page.
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