
Click the Add new category, enter a name and click Save.
Once the category has been created you can add a new parameter by clicking the Add parameter
You can choose from 7 parameters
  • Number -  Users will have to enter a number.
  • Date - Users will have to enter a date.
  • Text - Users will have to enter a text response.
  • Yes/No - Users will have to supply a Yes/No.
  • Multiple select - Users will have to select from a multiple choice answer.
  • Radio button - Users will need to supply from a predefined anwser.
  • Attachment - Users will need to upload an attachment.
All parameters that have been added wll be listed. You can edit and change any parameter by clicking the settings icon.
You can also delete the parameter by clicking the delete icon.
When adding or editing a new inspection item, select a category and complete the category parameters.
The competed parameters will show in the properties tab on the inspection item.
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