
Users are assigned to a single business unit, but because they are part of the hierarchical structure, over and above their colleagues they can also see all units and users below them in the hierarchy. This allows Head Office to manage all units and users below them and each regional office to manage all units and users below them.
The User manager allows you to add and edit users in your business unit. You may enter as much data as you like for each user, set his or her status to active or inactive, select a manager for this user (thereby assigning his or her position within the hierarchy) and associate him or her with a business unit. Users can never be deleted, as this would cause us to lose the history of certain transactions. Therefore we make them inactive. This way we retain all historical information should we ever need to retrieve it.
It is essential that you enter at least one e-mail address (e-mail address 1)  for each user. This allows the system to send the user his login name and e-mail address, thereby giving him access to the system. It also allows the system to send him action messages when there are items that require his attention. This is part of the presence awareness of the system. When your first add a new user to the system or change any login or password information, it is advisable to select the YES option at "E-mail this user's login information on save" before saving the changes. This will ensure that the user receives his new login information. All alerts will be sent via e-mail to the user's e- mail address.
The business unit manager screen allows you to setup various business units or departments within your company. Business units may include a list of offices world-wide, business units within a country, departments within a business unit, etc. You have total flexibility to set these up in any manner that you wish. The system allows a complete hierarchical structure by allowing you to assign a business unit to a parent. Below is an example.
By default the system contains a unit called Admin which is the highest level of control. This unit also has a default user with login name System Administrator and default password Test. When the system administrator logs in for the first time, he should change this password immediately for security reasons.
Users don't only have profiles that can be edited, but you can also set up project access for each user, check his log to see when he used the system, and reset his password.
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