User Types

Types of users with specific access to general system functions can be defined. Each user in the system can then be assigned to a specific User type.
The user will then inherit all the access rights of the type. This obviates the need to assign user access rights individually to users.
To setup user group permissions select the User types sub menu under the Administration main menu.
The system comes with 3 predefined user types - Administrator, General User and Guest user.
You can also create custom user types so you can assign different groups different access to iTech.
To add a new user type right click Internal User, and select Add User type .
Name the new type and press enter to save the name, you will then be able to set the permissions.
The user types are split into 3 sections
  • Projects - Defines access to projects
  • User administration - Defines access to the user management.
  • System administration - Defines access to system variable permissions.
Show - Allows the users in this group to view projects
Add -  Allows the user in this group to add new projects
User management
Internal user managment
Show - Allows the users in this group  to view the User management.
Add - Allows the users in this group to add new users
Edit - Allows the users in this group to edit user profiles
Delete - Allows the users in this group to delete users
Manage default roles
Show - Allows the user in this group to view default roles
Edit - Allows the users in this group to edit default roles
System configuration
Manage Languages
Show - Allows the users in this group to view languages
Add - Allows the users in this group to add new languages
Edit - Allows the user in this group to edit languages
Delete - Allows the users in this group to delete languages
Manage classes and properties
Show  - Allows the users in this group to view classes and properties
Add - Allows the users in this group to add new classes and link properties
Edit - Allows the users in this group to edit classes and properties
Delete - Allows the users in this group to delete classes and properties
Manage User types and permissions
Show - Alows the users in this group to view user types
Add - Allows the users in this group to add new user types
Edit - Allows the users in this group to edit user type permissions
Delete - Allows the users in this group to delete user types
Manage Project Roles and permissions
Show - Allows the users in this group to view project roles
Add -  Allows the user in this group to add new user roles
Edit - Allows the user in this group to edit user roles
Delete - Allows the users in this group to delete user roles
Manage System settings
Show - Allows the users in this group to view system settings
Edit - Allows the users in this group to edit and save system settings
Manage custom settings
Show - Allows the users in this group to show custom reports
Add - Allows the users in this group to add new custom reports
Edit - Allows the users in this group to edit custom report properties
Delete - Allows the users in this group to delete custom reports
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