
It is essential that you enter at least one e-mail address (e-mail address 1). This allows the system to send the user his login name and e-mail address, thereby allowing him access to the system. It also allows the system to send him action messages when there are items that require his attention. This is part of the presence awareness of the system. When your first add a new user to the system or change any login or password information. This will ensure that the user receives his new login information.
When first creating a user, the system will automatically select the option to Reset password and email user on save.
After the user has been created and added to the system, to reset the user password change the Reset password and email user on save option from NO to YES and click the Update button.
The user will then be e-mailed their login details with a new password.
The user can also reset their own password using the Forgot password link on the login page.
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