
To add a symptom to a folder or to the root directory, right-click on the folder you wish to add it to and select Add symptom/faultmode.
Enter the name of the symptom
If this symptom or error message or fault mode should be included in the selectable symptoms list in the runtime, leave the checkbox in front of the Symptom name checked. If you want this to be an invisible symptom or rule uncheck it.
Finally, you can set up the events that this symptom or rule should trigger when selected.
These include (in order of execution):
Tests to pass 
Set the status of all test points in this list good (unless they already have a status)
Tests to fail
Set the status of all test points in this list to bad (unless they already have a status)
Tests to perform
Perform this list of tests in the given order (skip those that already have a good or bad status)
Adding tests
To add items to a list drag and drop the component whose output you wish to add to theFault modes in the component properties
The output of the component is now added to the tests to pass list.
Set Probabilities
This feature will let you to set component probabilities when this rule is triggered. Drag a component from the model tree and drop it on the Component probabilities node.
To edit the component probability, select the component and right click to select the Set Probability context menu item.
Enter the required probability weighting. The system will use this weighting factor in the context of the rest of the system to calculate the component's failure probability during the troubleshooting session.
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