Adding and editing procedures
To add a procedure, select a procedure type you would like to add a procedure to, right-click on it and select Add Procedure.
Change the procedure name if necessary.
Now you can add various language versions of the procedure. To do so right-click on the procedure and select the Language version you wish to add.
To edit a language version of the procedure, right-click on it and select Edit.
When you have opened the procedure editor, you will see three tabs.
The properties tab lets you to edit the name or change the language selection.
Editing the contents
The editor tab lets you to edit the contents of the procedure and upload attachments.
When editing is complete click the Save button to save the changes.
Viewing history
You can also view previous changes made to a procedure by going to the editor and then selecting the History tab.
Here you will see a listing of all the changes and who made them.
To view a specific version, click on it.
To compare a selected version with the current version, click on the Compare to current button.