Index Test procedures

What are test procedures?
Test procedures can include technical tests, visual inspections, and more. They can be very simple or quite complicated - such as plotting a graph of output values against an expected graph and the seeing whether the values are within a specific tolerance of the expected performance graph.
Although tests results are a go no-go answer (good or bad), this does not mean that the diagnostic technology can only handle boolean type tests.
If we take real life examples, our specifications for an operative system often include tolerances or limits for measurements or performance.
E.g. supply voltage should be 12V +- 1V, or pressure should be 3.5 bar +-0.25.
If the reading is within the tolerance e.g. 12.9V then the test result is good. So even though the system might still work if the voltage is 13.5V, we would report it as a bad test. Why? The question is not whether the system is working or not, but whether it is working within the design limits or performance specifications. Even though the system might work at a voltage of 13.5V, this might over a period of time cause damage and the system could fail as a result thereof. That is why we report a bad test result.